July 27, 2024

NASA plans to construct a lunar floating railway

NASA’s “Moon to Mars” initiative aims to establish a human settlement on the moon’s surface and eventually reach Mars. To achieve this goal safely and efficiently, NASA is considering setting up an infrastructure that includes a floating railway system for the transportation of tools and materials.

The technology, known as Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT), is described as a durable, long-lasting robotic transport system. It has two main purposes: transporting regolith for construction and moving payload such as tools from the lunar base to other locations.

The FLOAT system uses magnetic robots that levitate over a flexible film track, similar to the concept of the Rainbow Road level in Mario Kart. The robots float using diamagnetic levitation and are propelled by an electromagnetic thrust generated by a flex-circuit layer on the track. An optional thin-film solar panel can provide power for a lunar base.

This system offers the advantage of easy deployment without the need for ground preparation. It can move over 200,000 pounds of payload several miles per day and operates autonomously.

Engineers face several challenges in developing the FLOAT system, including designing and testing a sub-scale prototype and addressing factors like temperature and radiation. Manufacturing considerations also need to be taken into account.

The FLOAT system is one of the innovative ideas selected by NASA for the NIAC project, which aims to foster the development of new technologies for space exploration programs like “Moon to Mars.” Another concept being explored is the Pulsed Plasma Rocket, which could potentially enable human missions to Mars and beyond.


Q: What is the purpose of NASA’s “Moon to Mars” project?

A: The project aims to establish a human settlement on the moon and eventually reach Mars.


The FLOAT system represents a cutting-edge approach to transportation on the moon, with the potential to revolutionize how materials and tools are moved in space exploration missions. By addressing various challenges and leveraging innovative technologies, NASA is taking significant steps towards enabling human exploration of the moon and Mars.

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