July 27, 2024

How to steer clear of road rage, and the top traffic maneuver that sparks it

Aggressive driving poses serious risks to drivers and passengers, leading to increased stress and insurance expenses, and in some cases, tragic outcomes. A recent survey conducted by the Insurify group revealed that drivers who experience being cut off by another vehicle are more likely to display road rage behaviors.

These behaviors may include honking, cursing, obstructing the offending driver, or even escalating to dangerous confrontations. Disturbingly, road rage-related shooting deaths have more than doubled from 2018 to 2022, resulting in 141 fatalities and over 413 injuries in 2022, according to the survey findings.

Over a thousand American drivers participated in the survey, with more than half exhibiting behaviors indicative of road rage, although only 41 percent admitted to experiencing road rage at times. The survey also incorporated data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and National Safety Council (NSC) on road rage statistics.

The report highlighted that men were 20 percent more likely than women to display aggressive behaviors such as yelling or cursing at other drivers, while women were slightly more prone to engaging in extreme actions like forcing a driver off the road. Surprisingly, Gen X drivers aged 43 to 58 were most likely to exhibit road rage behaviors, with millennials admitting to such behaviors at a rate of 52 percent.

Aside from being cut off, other driving behaviors that trigger anger include weaving in traffic, traffic congestion, failure to signal turns, driving below the speed limit, and inappropriate gestures from other drivers.

Reckless driving offenses often coincide with road rage incidents, leading to higher insurance premiums. Drivers with a history of reckless driving pay an average of $851 more annually for full-coverage policies, second only to those with DUI convictions.

To mitigate road rage triggers, the report suggests seeking professional help, such as consulting a psychotherapist. Additionally, taking deep breaths after encountering a stressful traffic situation can significantly reduce the likelihood of aggressive behaviors, as explained by Mark Bingel-McKillips, a licensed clinical social worker.

For more insights, you can refer to the full report here.


Q: What are some common road rage triggers?

A: Common road rage triggers include being cut off, weaving in traffic, traffic congestion, failure to signal turns, driving below the speed limit, and inappropriate gestures from other drivers.


Road rage is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences on the road. By understanding common triggers and practicing techniques to manage stress, drivers can contribute to safer and more harmonious road environments for everyone.

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