July 27, 2024

Brexit Compels British Paratroopers to Clear French Customs for D-Day Anniversary Jump

Commemorating 80 years since Allied forces descended on Normandy, France via land, sea, and air in a crucial battle, a grand anniversary celebration commenced this week. British RAF paratroopers (accompanied by Belgians and Americans) parachuted into a rural French field just like they did on June 6, 1944. However, this time, they were greeted by French government officials and bureaucratic procedures instead of Nazi adversaries and gunfire. Upon landing, the American and British troops were directed to an improvised passport control center set up at a makeshift table in the field, while the Belgians, being EU citizens, were permitted to proceed without checks.

British paratroopers have passports checked after parachuting into France for D-Day event

Jonathan Monti, a French immigration official, informed The Sun: “We are conducting immigration checks which are not typically done in a field. However, for this special occasion, the 80th anniversary, we are extending a warm welcome to the UK soldiers.”

Following the Brexit referendum, UK citizens have been subject to restrictions when crossing EU borders. Given that this was an official operation of the Royal Air Force on foreign territory, regardless of the anniversary commemoration, the soldiers were fortunate to have been permitted to land at all.

Despite objections from (ironically pro-Brexit) British tabloids, it appears that the involved soldiers were not overly concerned by the minor delay.

Brigadier Mark Berry, the leader of 16 Air Assault Brigade, conveyed to The Sun: “While it is a new experience for us, considering the warm reception we have received from all other aspects, it seems like a small concession to make for our visit to France.”

More than 300 paratroopers were welcomed with cheers from the assembled spectators upon landing. The passport controls were merely adhering to European Union protocols for verifying the identities of foreign visitors.

The conflict at Normandy eight decades ago marked a significant turning point in World War II. This signaled the initiation of earnest endeavors to liberate France from Axis domination, laying the groundwork for an Allied triumph on the Western front. Then-Major General Dwight D. Eisenhower spearheaded the operations, with the battle commencing just after midnight on June 6. A total of 24,000 airborne troops were deployed in the area. The primary goal of the battle, the recapture of the town of Caen, was not achieved until July 21. Allied casualties reportedly surpassed 10,000. Undoubtedly, it was the most ambitious military endeavor of the war.

## FAQ

**1. Why were the British RAF paratroopers jumping into France for the anniversary celebration?**
The British RAF paratroopers were commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied troops’ landing in Normandy during World War II.

**2. How did the French government officials react to the paratroopers’ arrival?**
The French government officials conducted passport control checks on the soldiers, following European Union protocols for foreign travelers.

**3. What was the significance of the Normandy battle in World War II?**
The battle at Normandy marked a crucial turning point in the war, leading to efforts to liberate France from Axis control and eventual Allied victory on the Western front.

## Conclusion

The anniversary celebration of the Normandy landing serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Allied troops during World War II. Despite minor challenges, the commemoration highlighted the importance of honoring historical events and the significance of international cooperation in maintaining peace and security.

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