July 27, 2024

Traffic Officer Caught Speeding at 154 MPH: Not at Silverstone

At times, someone may be caught driving at such an excessive speed that the severity of their recklessness is crystal clear without any additional context needed. Take, for example, a British traffic officer who was recently recorded driving at a staggering 154 mph. While such behavior might go unpunished in the U.S., it seems that in the UK, law enforcement officers actually face consequences for their actions. Who would have thought?

The BBC has reported that in January of this year, Police Constable Adam Smith was caught speeding on the A1(M) near Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire. Initially, he was recorded traveling at 98 mph, but subsequent measurements revealed a shocking speed of 154 mph. While specific speed limits at the time are not mentioned in the news sources, it appears that the standard limit was around 60 mph. However, even if it were slightly higher at 75 mph, driving at 154 mph would still be more than twice the legal speed limit.

Adding to the severity of the situation is the fact that PC Smith was involved in traffic safety initiatives. Despite Yorkshire police’s efforts to curb street racing, just three months prior to his speeding incident, PC Smith was featured in a video cautioning residents that “this is Selby not Silverstone.” It appears that he believed he was exempt from adhering to the law and could drive as recklessly as he pleased.

To his credit, during his recent misconduct hearing, Smith did not attempt to shift blame for his actions and acknowledged that there was no justification for his behavior. Chief Constable Tim Forber condemned PC Smith’s actions as “completely unjustifiable,” noting that they could severely impact public trust in law enforcement.

As a consequence, Forber made the decision to dismiss Smith and place him on the College of Policing Barred list. Such measures, including accountability for officers’ actions, are a crucial aspect that the U.S. law enforcement system could greatly benefit from.

During the hearing, Forber emphasized the extreme nature of Smith’s speeding, stating that it was “blatantly excessive and completely indefensible.” He underscored that this case was distinct from instances where individuals are prosecuted for minor speeding offenses due to momentary lapses in concentration. Therefore, the only appropriate course of action in this scenario was immediate dismissal without notice.


Q: What was the speed at which PC Adam Smith was caught driving?

A: PC Adam Smith was caught driving at a speed of 154 mph.


In conclusion, the case of Police Constable Adam Smith highlights the importance of law enforcement officers adhering to the same standards they enforce on the public. The swift and decisive action taken by Chief Constable Tim Forber in dismissing Smith demonstrates a commitment to maintaining public trust and ensuring accountability within the police force. Such measures are essential in upholding the integrity and credibility of law enforcement agencies.

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