July 27, 2024

Top 10 Cars Most Popular Among Women

We may have preconceptions about which cars are most popular with female drivers. In this blog, we investigate to see if our ideas actually stack up with the data.

In the insurance industry, we get a very clear snapshot of the makes and models of cars that people insure and own. From this, we can see which vehicles tend to be used by a higher percentage of men or women.

Simply asking which cars most women drive will often yield you the same results as a general list of the most popular cars – think Ford Fiesta and Focus, VW Golf, BMW 3-Series, etc – just because there are so many of those on the road. 

Going the extra mile to discover which cars appeal to women drivers

Here at Adrian Flux we went the extra mile to analyse the gender of drivers for each make and model of motor.

We only considered vehicles that we had quoted insurance for more than 100 times to filter out one-offs, obscure imports, rare farm machinery, military machines and such like, leaving a comprehensive list of the 469 most popular cars.

Adrian Flux VW Beetle

Which make and model of car is driven the most by women drivers?

Statistically, the most popular car for women drivers was the Ford Fiesta with 6,162 quotes between March 2022 and March 2023 – that was 7.3% of the total quotes offered by Adrian Flux during the 12 month period. Not far behind was the Vauxhall Corsa with 6,007 quotes during the year.

Coming in third and fourth were the VW Polo (3,786) and the Fiat 500 (3,133) while fifth and sixth were another VW, the Golf (2,874) and the Mini (2,785). 

But perhaps the most surprising stat thrown up by the number crunching was the fact that the VW Transporter van was the seventh most quoted vehicle for women drivers with 2,241 being generated during the period. 

The list of top 10 cars for women drivers was completed by the Ford Focus (2,233), Renault Clio (1,964) and the Vauxhall Astra (1,852).

Flux women driver insurance

Great insurance, whatever you drive and whatever your gender

The car you choose to drive is a massive decision. Getting it right means having a car you love that can handle everything you throw at it and is affordable, so make sure you call Adrian Flux for a quote next time you’re looking to find one  that really suits you. We can tailor a policy from a huge panel of different insurers. 

Read more about our great value car insurance for women or call 0800 369 8590 for a rapid no-hassle quote. Alternatively, you can arrange a callback at a time to suit you. 81.5% of all customers receiving an online quote in August 2022 could have obtained a cheaper quote over the phone, based on the information they provided.

If you’re looking for more advice, why not read our blog to discover more than 20 simple ways to save money on the cost of your car insurance cover


Q: How did you determine the most popular cars for female drivers?

A: We analyzed data on the makes and models of cars that were insured and owned by women drivers, considering vehicles quoted for insurance more than 100 times.

Q: What was the most surprising finding about cars driven by women?

A: The VW Transporter van was the seventh most quoted vehicle for women drivers, which was unexpected.


In conclusion, our analysis revealed the top 10 cars most popular among women drivers, with the Ford Fiesta and Vauxhall Corsa leading the list. It’s important to remember that regardless of the car you drive or your gender, Adrian Flux provides great insurance options tailored to your needs.

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