July 27, 2024

Ron DeSantis Implements Strict Bridge Lighting Mandate in Florida, Despite Criticism

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis announced a so-called Freedom Summer for the state starting on May 27 and extending through September 2. Liberty, as I interpret it, denotes that individuals can behave, communicate, or reflect as they desire without the interference of a governing authority. Therefore, DeSantis must be abolishing some outdated law, such as the mandate for having an operators’ license to skateboard, or the prohibition on unmarried women skydiving on Sundays. However, instead of that, Freedom Summer is a decree targeted at the state’s Department of Transportation, enforcing new mandates for American Flag-themed lighting on bridges.

It doesn’t require much intellect to realize that this move is the governor’s way of preventing many of the state’s bridges from displaying their traditional rainbow colors during June’s Pride Month.

“The bridge lights were about celebrating diversity and inclusion, which will continue to happen in our communities,” expressed Carlos Guillermo Smith, Equality Florida’s senior policy adviser. “LGBTQ Floridians will proudly raise our flags even higher and our lights will only shine brighter in the darkness they’ve created.”

The Ringling Causeway Bridge in Sarasota (depicted above) usually illuminates in Pride colors for June, but also changes to yellow for Women’s Equality Day, among other causes and awareness days. Some bridges switch to red, black, and green for Juneteenth, for instance. It seems challenging to fathom someone being offended by the colors of a bridge, and concealing such a manifestly discriminative mandate under the guise of love for the country is contemptible.


1. Why did Governor DeSantis implement the Freedom Summer mandate?

Governor DeSantis imposed the Freedom Summer mandate to change the lighting on the state’s bridges to American Flag colors and prevent the display of rainbow colors during Pride Month.

2. What is the significance of the bridge lighting in Florida?

The bridge lighting in Florida represents different causes and awareness days by changing colors, such as red, black, green, and yellow for various events.


In conclusion, Governor DeSantis’ Freedom Summer mandate regarding the bridge lighting in Florida has sparked controversy as it aims to limit the display of rainbow colors during Pride Month. This move has been criticized for its discriminatory nature and the attempt to hide it under the pretext of patriotism.

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