July 27, 2024
Electric & Hybrid Cars

Exploring the Capacity of the Lexus LC Convertible Trunk: How Much Luggage Can It Hold?

Explore every possibility, right? I’ve previously tested the luggage capacity of the Lexus LC 500 coupe, where I managed to fit quite a bit of stuff inside, primarily utilizing the back seat.

However, the story changes with the LC 500 Convertible. It offers 4.7 cubic-feet of space compared to the coupe’s 5.4 cubic-feet. While this may seem like a minor difference in larger vehicles, in compact trunks like these, every bit of space counts.

It’s worth noting that the LC 500h hybrid model shares the same trunk space as the Convertible. Both the hybrid battery and the Convertible roof take up the same amount of space, which is why there’s no LC 500h convertible variant.

The trunk may be small, but the opening is surprisingly large, which is a positive aspect.

Inside the trunk, you’ll find some additional items.

This is a tire inflator kit, which unfortunately doesn’t fit under the floor.

Here’s a first aid kit, perhaps an unusual use of trunk space, but always handy in case of emergencies. For this test, I decided to place it on top of the tire inflator box.

Now onto the luggage items. As is customary for the Luggage Test, I utilize two midsize roller suitcases, two black roll-aboard suitcases, and one smaller green roll-aboard suitcase, along with my wife’s elegant overnight bag to add some variety.

Option A: the largest bag, with some room for additional items like grocery bags, but not suitable for the fancy bag.


Option B: One of the medium black bags and the smaller green bag are the limit for the convertible’s trunk space.


Option C: Opt for an LC 500 Coupe instead, where you can accommodate the largest bag and one of the medium black bags with some remaining space. Alternatively, you could fit two medium bags and the fancy bag.

Unlike the Coupe test, I didn’t load up the back seat this time around.

Driving with the top down and a full back seat of luggage doesn’t convey the best choice in vehicles or packing practices.

Furthermore, I avoided placing dirty luggage on the pristine white leather interior of the test car, a scenario unlikely for owners unless in dire circumstances.

However, here’s a glimpse of my bags in the back seat of the coupe. Would the Convertible’s different seatback angle impact the storage capacity? Likely, but a similar amount of items could potentially fit in the Hybrid’s back seat.

Lastly, a lesson learned from the Coupe test…

A golf bag can fit in the trunk with the driver positioned separately. Given that the Convertible only sacrifices space in the front section of the trunk, it should also accommodate a golf bag. While I could have retrieved a golf bag from my garage to confirm, this seems like a reasonable assessment. I consider this investigation thorough.


Q: Can the Convertible fit a golf bag like the Coupe?

A: Yes, the Convertible should have enough space for a golf bag similar to the Coupe.


The Lexus LC 500 Convertible offers slightly less trunk space compared to the Coupe, but with strategic packing, it can still accommodate a good amount of luggage for your adventures.

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