July 27, 2024

35% of new electric vehicles are now leased

Leasing has become an appealing choice for electric vehicle (EV) consumers, nearly tripling in the first quarter compared to a year ago. According to Experian’s Q1 State of the Automotive Finance Market report released today, leasing made up 35.2% of EV purchases, a significant increase from 12.3% last year. EVs represented 8.6% of new-vehicle purchases in the first quarter, maintaining a steady trend.


  • What percentage of EV purchases were made through leasing in the first quarter?
  • How does the percentage of EV purchases compare to last year?
  • What percentage of new-vehicle purchases were EVs in the first quarter?


The increase in leasing for electric vehicles is a notable trend in the automotive industry, as it has significantly grown in popularity among consumers. With EVs continuing to make up a larger portion of new-vehicle purchases, leasing options provide a flexible and attractive choice for interested buyers.

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